Greetings from Dr. Pasch , Dr. Yam, Dr. Shirzadnia and Dr. Song!
Diets low in certain nutrients reduce resistance to oral and dental infections, that is, periodontal disease also known as gum disease, and tooth decay. A healthy immune system is essential to controlling periodontal disease.
Healthy and nutritional diet will improve dental health and overall health. The consumption of sugar, especially in sticky forms or in a baby bottle while sleeping, contributes to the rapid development of dental decay.
The trace nutrient fluoride, may not be adequately supplied by bottle or municipal water supplies. Supplementation with oral tablets and topical application will reduce the incidence of dental decay by more than 60%. Or, as an alternative please remember to brush with flouridated toothpaste and choose tap water over bottled water, as the tap is surely flouridated whereas tap water usually is not.
Together, a balanced diet, daily use of fluoride, effective brushing and flossing, and sensible eating habits, along with regular dental check ups and preventative visits can reduce the risk of, or even prevent, infectious dental disease.
If you need more information on diet or fluoride supplementation and its relationship to dental health, please don’t hesitate to call our office at (212)689-0024 or email us at today!
Best Regards,
Herald Square Dental
& The Denture Center
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