We want to bring your attention to a very important vitamin and its deficiency during pregnancy, as the results may be directly affecting young children's teeth.
According to a new study from Canada, children born to mothers with low levels of Vitamin D during their pregnancy are exhibiting a higher risk for developing cavities in their toddler years.
Previous studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency among mothers can lead to defects in the enamel of their toddlers' teeth - which have already begun to develop in the womb - and that these defects can increase the risk of tooth decay.
Researchers wondered whether low vitamin D levels in mothers during pregnancy would also translate into higher cavity rates for their toddlers. They measured vitamin D levels in the second or early third trimester in 207 pregnant women and then examined the teeth of 135 of their children when they were an average of 16 months old. Women's vitamin D levels were mostly in the normal range, but about one third had levels which were too low and these were the women whose toddlers later had cavities.

Improving nutrition during tooth formation and in early childhood could reduce the risk of cavities. "Prevention efforts should begin during pregnancy by bolstering maternal nutrition, either through improved dietary intake or supplementation with vitamin D."
All pregnant and nursing women need to take 4000-5000 (International Units per day) vitamin D3. Additionally, reducing carbohydrate intake will reduce the body's need for vitamin D.
A healthy and balanced diet should be a mother- to- be greatest priority.
Best regards,
Herald Square Dental
& The Denture Center