There are several symptoms of MS that can interfere with adequate care of the teeth and gums. These are distinctive and typical for the illness: fatigue, spasticity, weakness, tremors, facial pain, numbness, tingling, and/or pain in the hands, all of which can challenge a person’s effort to brush and floss adequately. Patiens feel absorbed and preoccupied in their effort to control the symtpoms of MS and fail to maintain good oral habits. Therefore the tendency of poor dental hygiene in patients diagnosed with MS is becoming more prominent.
The following tips can compensate for these problems:
- use toothbrushes with built-up handles(or cut a small slit in the sides of a tennis ball and slide it onto the handle of the toothbrush);
- use flossing tools; consider electric toothbrushes and flossing devices;
- sit to brush and floss, if standing at the basin is tiring;
- floss in the morning if you are too tired at night;
- allow a family member or personal assistant to help with tooth brushing and flossing;
- manage tremors by wearing a weighted glove while brushing.
Here is how you can minimize the effects of dry mouth:
- sip water or sugarless drinks often;
- avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol;
- use a small squirt of lemon in the mouth or sugarless lemon candies to stimulate the glands controlling saliva production;
- use a humidifier at night;
- use special products that are available in pharmacies to moisten dry mouth!
If you have any questions or concerns about this condition and the state of your dentition, please feel free to contact us at 212-689-0024 or email us at today.